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SelectUSA Can Help UK Businesses Become Established in the USA

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Build Your Business in the United States

Why Invest in the United States?

More and more companies around the world are choosing the United States as the place to build their business. There’s a good reason for that — the United States has the most appealing investment environment in the world.  It has:

Ø  a talented workforce

Ø  a lucrative consumer market

Ø  a strong research and development base

Ø  a strong intellectual property protection system

Ø  a transparent and predictable legal system

Ø  a highly-developed infrastructure

Ø  robust supply chains

United Kingdom FDI in the United States

The United Kingdom is the largest source of FDI into the United States. The total stock of FDI from the United Kingdom to the United States is $564.7 billion, more than one-fifth of all FDI in the United States.


In the United States, FDI from the United Kingdom provides:


Ø  New Jobs: U.S. subsidiaries of UK firms employed over 943,000 U.S. workers in 2011; of which, nearly 246,500 jobs were in manufacturing sectors.

Ø  Innovative R&D: In 2011, U.S. subsidiaries of UK-owned firms invested $6.4 billion in research and development in the United States.

Ø  More U.S. Exports: UK-owned firms contributed $33.5 billion to U.S. goods exported in 2011.


About SelectUSA

SelectUSA is the U.S. federal initiative to promote, facilitate, and encourage business investment in the United States. SelectUSA works with companies and U.S. economic development organizations to provide information about doing business in the United States and serve as ombudsman for investors on issues involving federal agencies.


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U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis;